YEMEN Press Agency

Armed attack targets UAE-backed STC in Abyan

ABYAN, Sept. 14 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s factions were subjected to an armed attack with various types of weapons in Abyan province, southern Yemen.

Local sources said that gunmen believed to belong to Al-Qaeda waged the attack with a hail of bullets on a gathering of the STC elements in the Al-Jaza between Amsara and Al-Baqira area of Mudiya district.

The sources said that the attack led to direct confrontations without revealing the extent of human and material losses among the factions.

The STC factions are exposed to armed attacks using explosive devices, which have resulted in the deaths of nearly 600 STC members and the destruction of a number of vehicles since the announcement of “Operation Arrows of the East” in mid-August 2022, following its control of the city of Ataq of Shabwa and the expulsion of Islah militants from the rest of Shabwa’s district.