YEMEN Press Agency

Aden Security officially confirms kidnapping of Laqmoush tribe member

ADEN, Sept. 01 (YPA) – A document from the Command-and-Control Office in Aden’s security, dated October 2016, reveals the fate of one of the kidnapped members of the Laqmoush tribe.

It detailed that Mohamed Said Omar Laqdah was handed over by his father to the People’s Police for investigation on April 5, 2016. The People’s Police then transferred him to Aden Security two days later for further processing by the Criminal Investigation Department.


The document confirmed that Aden Security, led by Shalal Shayea during that period, received Laqdah’s son but has no record of his fate. His brother, Saleh, was also kidnapped and remains missing.

The Al-Laqmoush tribe has been demanding that Aden Security and Shalal Shayea reveal the fate of their missing members. Despite appeals and statements from tribal leaders indicating that the detainees were tortured.

In August, the Laqmoush tribe announced they would escalate their actions against the Southern Transitional Council (STC) if their demands were not met.

They gave Shalal Shayea an 8-day deadline to reveal the fate of their kidnapped members.

The STC did not respond to these demands yet.

Following the expiration of the deadline, tribes from Shabwa held a meeting in Al-Aram to discuss further actions.

They agreed to give the STC’s Shabwa leader, Hamir Ali Lusoud, an additional 14 days to negotiate with STC leaders in Aden for the release of the Laqmoush tribe members.


