YEMEN Press Agency

Renewed popular million-man demonstration supporting Gaza held across Yemen

SANAA, Aug. 30 (YPA) – A renewed popular million-man demonstration in support of Palestinian people and its brave steadfastness’s resistance was staged on Friday across Yemen.

The demonstrations included more than 330 squares in in the capital Sanaa and other provinces of Yemen.

The large-scale demonstrations, for the 47th week, have been a regular occurrence in support of the Gaza Strip in light of the ongoing genocidal war that the Israeli enemy’s committing against the Palestine’s people.

The crowds in all provinces’ squares, carrying Kalashnikov rifles and the banners of Yemeni and Palestinian flags, called for a boycott of American and Israeli products.

They denounced the Fascist approach that the Zionist enemy’s soldiers by the desecration of the Holy Quran and mosques in the Gaza Strip.

The protesters also condemned the silence and subservient of the Arab and Islamic peoples in the face of the continuation of the Zionist criminality and its desecration of their holiest sanctities.

The crowds saluted the heroic fighters in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen, stressing Yemen’s firm and principled position in support of the Palestinian people.

They reiterated the emphasis on continuing to go out with the weekly million-man marches until victory, affirming that the response to the enemy’s crimes and surprises to come.