YEMEN Press Agency

2 separate attacks target UAE-backed factions in Socotra

SOCOTRA, Aug. 29 (YPA) – Two separate attacks targeted on Thursday factions loyal to the UAE forces in the occupied Socotra Governorate, east of the Gulf of Aden.

The security committee of the local authority loyal to UAE reported during its meeting that the first incident targeted recruits at the gate of Hadibo Airport by what it called “qat sellers” and their supporters from the people of Hadibo area, the center of the archipelago.

The committee added that the second incident was an attack on the recruits of the pro-UAE factions who were brought from Dhalea and Yafa, in Murry region after they created a problem with the people, indicating that they arrested a number of citizens and that the search is on for others without revealing the reason.

The UAE-backed security committee on the Yemeni island of Socotra described the two attack incidents as a “dangerous phenomenon, pointing out that it would continue to arrest those involved in the two incidents and intends to carry out an arrest campaign against qat sellers in shops and sidewalks, amid threats to break into citizens’ homes.