YEMEN Press Agency

Change and Construction Government in Sanaa forms committee to prepare its draft program

SANAA, Aug. 15 (YPA) –  The Government of Change and Construction in Sanaa held on Thursday its first meeting, headed by Prime Minister Ahmed Ghaleb Al-Rahwi.

The general determinants of the draft general program of the government scheduled to be submitted to the House of Representatives were discussed in the meeting.

The government formed a ministerial and assistant technical working group to prepare the draft general program for the government as soon as possible and submit it to the next government meeting for discussion and approval in preparation for referring it to the House of Representatives for discussion and approval.

In the meeting, the Prime Minister delivered an orientation speech in which he pointed out the importance of working as one team by members of the government. He pointed out that the government would build on what the previous government accomplished and move towards achieving additional gains.

Al-Rahwi urged the government members to get rid of routine and constantly evaluate their work and the performance of their support staff in order to achieve their positive role in change and develop performance at the level of every ministry and institution.

In its meeting, the cabinet reaffirmed the principled position of Yemen’s leadership, government, and people in supporting the Palestinian cause and the oppressed in the Gaza Strip.