YEMEN Press Agency

Shabwani Elite militants cut off international road in Belhaf

SHABWA, Aug. 10 (YPA) – Dozens of recruits, who were demobilized by the leadership of the UAE forces from the Shabwani elite, cut off the international road linking Shabwa and Hadramout in eastern Yemen.

Local sources explained that the recruits of the “First Elite Brigade,” whose financial dues were cut off at the beginning of 2022 after the appointment of Awad al-Wazir as governor of Shabwa without their inclusion in the new factions,“Shabwa Defense,” blocked the coastal road near the Balhaf gas facility in the coastal Radum district to demand the settlement of their situation and compensation for what happened to them and suffered financial damages as a result of their arbitrary dismissal.

The sources reported that the blocking of the coastal road by the recruits came after they reached a dead end without being absorbed into the Shabwa defense and the Shabwa authorities loyal to the Emirates ignored the decision to reconsider the decision to demobilize and dispense with them without warning.

The sources also indicated that the recruits vowed to escalate until their legitimate demands and stolen rights were achieved, away from exclusion and marginalization.