YEMEN Press Agency

Trump: The United States is collapsing and heading to hell

WORLD, July 10 (YPA) – Donald Trump, the candidate for the US presidential election, stated that the United States is collapsing due to the policies of President Joe Biden’s administration.

In a speech on Tuesday to his supporters in Florida, the former US president said, “Our country is going to hell… things are not going well in our country. We’ve never had anything like this. Our borders, our economy, we have the highest inflation in history… The Biden administration just continues to destroy our nation.”

Trump has repeatedly described Biden as a “threat” to the future of the United States.

The upcoming US elections are scheduled for November 5. Both Biden and Trump have secured their party nominations as presidential candidates.

Trump’s nomination will be confirmed at the Republican Party convention between July 15 and 18, while Biden’s nomination will be confirmed at the Democratic Party convention between August 19 and 22.

Following Biden’s “disastrous” performance in a televised debate, there have been calls within the Democratic camp for him to withdraw from the race.

