YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa FM comments on Security Council resolution regarding ceasefire in Gaza

SANAA, June 12 (YPA) – Sanaa-based Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on the UN Security Council Resolution No. 2735, which would be the actual beginning of a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and a complete withdrawal of the Zionist enemy.

The ministry affirmed in a statement on Wednesday that the decision would also be the beginning of the release of all Palestinian detainees, the return of the displaced people, not bring about any demographic change, reduce the area of the Gaza Strip, or to obstruct the entry of humanitarian, food and medical aid.

The statement stressed that the Security Council resolution does not absolve the Israeli enemy of its responsibility for the crimes of genocide and war crimes it’s committing against civilians in all the occupied Palestinian territories.

The ministry’s statement called on the United States of America, as a permanent member of the Security Council and the one that submitted Resolution No. 2735 to the Council, to carry out its legal and humanitarian responsibility in accordance with the United Nations Charter, and to stop its unlimited support for the Israeli enemy politically, militarily, financially and logistically.

It reiterated its emphasis on the centrality of the Palestinian issue, urging Arab governments considering normalization with the Zionist entity in the future, to review their position and stand with the demands of their people to find a just solution to the issue and establish the Palestinian state with its capital Al-Quds Al-Sharif.