YEMEN Press Agency

Military leader of Islah Party sentenced to death in Aden

ADEN, May 28 (YPA) – A court under the control of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Aden city issued on Tuesday a death sentence against a military leader loyal to the Islah Party.

Media sources in the city reported that the “Criminal Court of First Instance” loyal to the Saudi-led coalition issued the death sentence against the former commander of the “Transport Brigade” affiliated with the Islah Party, Amjad Khaled Al-Qahtani, and seven others on charges of bombing the convoy of the governor of Aden and the leader in the STC, Ahmed Lamlas, and a bombing of Aden Airport.

The death sentence for leader Al-Qahtani comes after the spread of videos and audio recordings confirming his involvement, along with the leader in the STC, Musleh Al-Dharhani, in carrying out a number of bombings using explosive devices in Aden and Al-Turbah last year.