YEMEN Press Agency

The New York Times: Yahya Sinwar succeeded in thwarting the Israeli victory

WORLD, May 13 (YPA) – After seven months since the war in Gaza, the continued presence of Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas in Gaza, has become a symbol of the failure of the Zionist war, The New York Times newspaper  reported on Sunday.

The newspaper stated, “Even as Zionist officials seek to kill him, they have been forced to negotiate with him, albeit indirectly.”

It added, “Sinwar has not only appeared as a strong-willed leader, but also as a shrewd negotiator who succeeded in thwarting a Zionist victory on the battlefield, while involving Zionist envoys at the negotiating table.”

The paper continued “For Israeli and Western officials, Sinwar has emerged throughout these negotiations as a fierce opponent and skilled political operator, capable of analyzing Zionist society.

It pointed out that “during his time in prison, Sinwar learned Hebrew and developed an understanding of Israeli culture and society.” Sinwar seems to be using this knowledge now “to sow divisions in Zionist society and increase pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu,” according to Zionist and American officials.

“The New York Times” mentioned that they “believe Sinwar has timed the release of videos of some Zionist prisoners to stoke public anger against Netanyahu during the crucial stages of ceasefire talks.”

Quoting Zionist and American intelligence officers, saying that “Sinwar’s strategy is to keep the war going for as long as possible to tarnish Israel’s international reputation and damage its relationship with its main ally, the United States.”

The paper concluded by stating, “If this is a maneuver by Hamas, it seems to be bearing fruit: Israel began an operation last week on the outskirts of Rafah, and against this backdrop, President Biden has directed his strongest criticism of Israeli policy since the start of the war.”