YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa FM: Security Council Resolution on Yemen establishes legal chaos on international scene

SANAA, Jan. 11 (YPA) – Yemen’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned on Thursday the resolution No. 2722 made by the UN Security Councils reaffirmed the Council’s abject failure to carry out its responsibilities to maintain international peace and security and protect human lives.

The ministry said in a statement that the Council’s resolution that Washington, London, Paris, and their allies supporting the Zionist enemy used as a tool, aims to mislead world public opinion and try to prepare at the same time for an illegal military escalation towards the Sanaa government because of its demanding humanitarian and moral stance to stop the military aggression of the Israeli enemy, which is committing war crimes and genocide against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, in addition to the ongoing siege that impedes the arrival of the water, energy and fuel that the Strip needs for the third straight month.

The statement affirmed that Sanaa is not concerned with the decision, considering the American, British, German threats supported by Western countries, which resulted in Security Council Resolution No. 2722, as a blatant example of the political bullying that those capitals practiced on the international scene, to cover up the Israeli enemy crimes against the Palestinian people for 71 years.

The ministry’s statement stated that the support provided to the Zionist enemy by America, Britain and European countries has pushed the usurping entity to practice all forms of violations of international and humanitarian law and agreements related to human rights and the prevention of war crimes and genocide.

It reiterated that the Sanaa government, based on a sense of humanitarian and moral responsibility and in response to the demands of the Yemeni people and the directives of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council, had taken a humanitarian decision to provide all forms of Yemeni support to the residents of the Gaza Strip, by a naval blockade that the Yemeni naval forces are imposing on all international and regional shipping companies heading to the Israeli enemy or the Israeli ships, and preventing them from the passage through the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

The statement called on the member states of the Security Council to bear their humanitarian, moral and legal responsibilities towards the war crimes and genocide taking place against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and not to surrender to the desires of the governments of America, Britain, France and the countries that support the Israeli enemy.

It stressed the importance of working to intensify the efforts of the Security Council towards ending the aggression against the Gaza Strip and stopping the war crimes and genocide practiced by the Israeli enemy, noting that making threats to target the Republic of Yemen represents another example of the policy of the double standards practiced by Washington, London, Paris and Berlin to defend the Israeli enemy.

The ministry’s statement urged member states of the Security Council and capitals that support the Israeli enemy not to violate the interpretation of international law according to their interests, and to listen to the demands of their peoples to stop the war in the Gaza Strip, in addition, not to make false statements against the Sanaa government, which is committed to preserving the security and safety of international navigation and trade in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait, adding that the military operations of the Yemeni armed forces are limited and targeting ships owned by the Israeli enemy or heading to it, until Zionist aggression against Gaza is stopped and the siege is lifted.