YEMEN Press Agency

Army shoots down U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone

HODEIDA, Nov. 08 (YPA) – Yemen’s army Air defenses shot down on Wednesday a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone inside the Yemeni territorial waters.

Spokesman for the armed forces, Brigadier General Yahya Sarie, said in a news statement that the air defenses downed the aircraft, while it was carrying out hostile, monitoring, and spying acts in the airspace of Yemeni territorial waters, within the framework of American military support for the Israeli entity.”

He affirmed that the drone was targeted with a suitable weapon.

The Yemeni forces affiliated with Sanaa announced the implementation of a number of strikes on Israeli occupation targets, as part of the battle to respond to the genocidal massacres suffered by the Palestinian people in Gaza.

The operation to shoot down an American combat drone is the first of its kind carried out by Sanaa forces in Yemeni territorial waters.