YEMEN Press Agency

Popular protests mount in various areas of Aden city against coalition

ADEN, Aug. 22 (YPA) – Popular protests were staged on Tuesday in various areas of the city of Aden, in southern Yemen, to denounce the deterioration of living conditions and the collapse of electricity service.

Hundreds of protesters went out, in angry rally, in the districts of Mansoura, Sheikh Othman and Khormaksar due to the continuous power outages of nearly 20 hours per day.

The protesters blocked the various main streets leading to Aden Airport in Khor-Maksar with stones and set fire to damaged tires, amid threats of the implementation of sit-ins in front of Maasheeq Palace, the residence of the pro-coalition Presidential Leadership Council.

During the rally, the participants demanded the expulsion of the coalition and its allied government, which is brings in security chaos and the collapse of various services.

Angry protests expanded for the second day in a row in various parts of Aden, denouncing the collapse of electricity service amid the deteriorating economic living conditions of citizens.