YEMEN Press Agency

STC leaders transfer money in anticipation of confrontations in Aden

ADEN, Feb. 13 (YPA) – Prominent leaders of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) have withdrawn their funds from some banks in Aden city and transported them on board armored cars towards the city of Mukalla, Hadramout province, a media source reported on Monday.

The journalist affiliated with “the Southern Revolutionary Movement,” Muhammad al-Numani, added in a tweet on Twitter that “those leaders took luxury cars loaded with hard currency, and they were seen leaving the villas of military leaders in the STC forces in Crater district.”

Al-Numani explained that the smuggling of money from Aden came in conjunction with the imminent fall of the STC stronghold in light of the Saudi military deployment, which aims to hand over the city to its new factions, the “Dara Al-Watan Forces,” that Saudi Arabia established from extremist Salafi groups.

This comes after leaders in the STC transferred a large amount of weapons to various areas of Dhalea and Lahj, last week, in anticipation of any confrontation with the new Saudi forces in Aden.