YEMEN Press Agency

Humanitarian initiative exposes Hadi government corruption

ADEN, June 28 (YPA) – A humanitarian community initiative was able to expose exiled President Hadi’s government corruption and neglecting his government designated from Riyadh, in looting billions of Riyals, without the least concern for the lives of citizens.

The Images, obtained by Yemen Press Agency, exposed the media allegations of the channels of the coalition, which promoted the Hadi’s implementation of projects serving citizens in the southern provinces

A humanitarian community initiative in Abyan province filled the excavation along the rood of Aden-Abyan which the government of Ben Dagher, and his ministers suffered a traffic accident in the same way in May.

The owner of the idea and the initiative , Samih Abu Bakr, said that this comes in the mitigation and reduce traffic accidents that take the lives of hundreds of passengers.

Samih indicated that the merchants of the cities of Jaar and Zunjubar provided the necessary materials, after we saw the neglect of Hadi Government to carry out its duties.


Sameera Hassn