YEMEN Press Agency

“Southern Movement” reveals arrangements to detonate situation in Aden

ADEN, Dec. 28 (YPA) – The so-called “Southern Movement” on Wednesday revealed arrangements to spark a civil war in southern Yemen.

This coincides with Saudi threats to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

Abdurahman al-Wali, head of what was known as the “Southern Parliament”, said in a post on his official page on social media that “the south is being pushed against its will towards rupture and disintegration, and deepening tribal and regional alignment.”

Al-Wali considered this alignment as a result of regional and international feeding in favor of external agendas, and not due to deep roots internally.

Al-Wali’s statements coincide with calls in Abyan province, which throughout history constituted turning points in the south’s path, for a wide tribal meeting aimed at expelling the STC, in parallel with a Saudi threat to spark a civil war in the south in response to the STC’s efforts to control the oil plateau of Hadramout.