YEMEN Press Agency

Pentagon to send NASAMS to Kiev in coming weeks

WORLD, Oct. 18 (YPA) – The US authorities expect to transfer the first NASAMS anti-aircraft missile systems to Kiev in the coming weeks, a high-ranking Pentagon spokesman told reporters about this on Monday.

“We expect to try to deliver the first [NASAMS] to Ukraine within the next few weeks” he said.

At the same time, the official stressed that Washington had already transferred to Kiev a significant number of various air defense systems, including more than 1.4 thousand Stinger portable anti-aircraft missile systems.

On October 11, Strategic Communications Coordinator at the White House National Security Council John Kirby, said that the US authorities expect “in the very near future” to transfer the first two NASAMS complexes to Kiev.

In total, according to him, the United States intends to supply eight such systems to Ukraine.

Deliveries are planned to be carried out as part of the initiative to promote the security of Ukraine, which involves the conclusion of contracts with manufacturers by the US defense department, and not the provision of equipment directly from the Pentagon’s stocks.