YEMEN Press Agency

Media sources reveals Saudi-Turkish coordination targets STC

RIYADH, March 20 (YPA) – Informed media sources in Riyadh on Saturday revealed Saudi-Turkish coordination targeting the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in the Yemeni southern provinces.

The sources reported that Riyadh would facilitate the targeting of the Yemeni Islah Party (Muslim Brotherhood, in addition to attacks by terrorist elements against the STC militia in Hadramout, Abyan, Shabwa, Aden, and Lahj provinces.

According to the sources, the Islah party plans, after Sanaa forces entered Marib, to transfer its military command to Hadramout.

There is a plan to advance towards the city of Aden via the international road on the western coast, from Tor al-Baha, al-Sabiha and Kharz area, and the coastal road to Abyan province through Shoqra city, the military stronghold of Islah, the sources explained.

The sources noted that the Saudi-Turkish agreement came in response to the statements of the STC”s president, Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, on entering into a dialogue with Sanaa, after the latter’s forces took control of the city of Marib.