YEMEN Press Agency

Free Voices media calls for probe into coalition war crimes in Saada, Sanaa

SANAA, May 27 (YPA) – Free Voices Media organization on Sunday strongly condemned the crimes committed by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition in Sanaa and Sadah on Saturday, which killed dozens of civilians and injured many others.

In a Statement obtained by Yemen Press Agency, the organization called for an international probe into Saudi-led coalition war crimes and massacres in Yemen, especially in Saada and Sanaa Northern provinces.

“According to the international legal characterization contained in the laws of the four Geneva Conventions and the two annexed Protocols, the systematic and deliberate targeting is an unequivocal and complete war crime”, the statement said.

The statement called on the international community to carry out its duties and moral responsibility to stop this unjust barbaric war on Yemen.

It also called for the formation of an international independent investigation committee to probe into the Saudi-led coalition war crimes and genocide against Yemeni civilians.