YEMEN Press Agency

Washington plans to review peace agreement with Taliban

SANAA, Jan. 23 (YPA) – President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, informed his Afghan counterpart that the United States would review the agreement with the Taliban in February 2021, according to a White House statement .

The Biden’s administration will review the peace agreement reached with the Taliban, Jake Sullivan said during a call with his Afghani counterpart Hamdullah Mohib on Friday.

Sources from both sides of the Afghan conflict said this month that negotiators were waiting for Biden’s inauguration to see if he would stick to Donald Trump’s timetable for the withdrawal of US troops.

“We are waiting for the new US administration and its policies toward Afghanistan to see if it will respect the peace agreement,” Reuters reported, citing a Taliban negotiator.

“If they do not honour their commitments to withdraw troops as promised… “We will have to make difficult decisions to appoint militants in key positions on the ground, ” he added.