YEMEN Press Agency

Deputy Chief of Staff meets ICRC’s head of delegation to Yemen

SANAA, Jan. 05 (YPA) – Deputy Chief of the General Staff, head of the national team for redeployment in Hodeida province, Major General Ali Al-Mushki met on Tuesday with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)’s head of delegation to Yemen, Katharina Ritz.

In the meeting, Al-Mushki briefed head of the ICRC’s delegation on the latest developments in the humanitarian situation in Yemen in light of the continuing aggression and the comprehensive siege, which led to humanitarian disasters.

In this regard, he referred to the crimes of the Saudi-led aggression coalition and its mercenaries in Hodeida and their recent escalation in the province, in a clear violation of the Sweden agreement.

Major General Al-Mushki condemned the bombings that took place at Aden airport, which killed and wounded civilians, including employees of the ICRC, considering these criminal acts as an inevitable and natural result of the conflict between the mercenaries of the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

For her part, Ritz confirmed the ICRC delegation’s keenness to exert utmost efforts to help Yemenis and cooperate with them in order to enable them to overcome economic problems.