YEMEN Press Agency

Senior tribal sheikh survives assassination attempt in Mahra

MAHRA, Jan. 3 (YPA) – A senior tribal sheikh survived an assassination attempt in Mahra province, east of Yemen, according to sources.

The sources affirmed that the sheikh Mohammad Al-Aboudi, was shot at on Saturday, by unknown gunmen, as he left Al-Farouq Mosque in the city of Al-Ghaydha, the provincial capital.

The sources indicated Al-Aboudi, who holds the rank of brigadier general, was wounded during the assassination attempt, and transferred at a hospital in the city.

The attempt came after a number of sheikhs in the province have opposed the Saudi military presence, during the corrective conference of the General Council of the sons of Mahra and Socotra, that held at the end of last December, to elect Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Al Afrar as chairman of the council.

The assassination attempt aimed at destabilizing the governorate’s stability and dispersion of the security chaos, as Saudi Arabia is trying to extend its oil pipelines from Kharkhair area to Nishtun port on the Arabian Sea, to escape Iran’s threats in the Strait of Hormuz.