YEMEN Press Agency

To be freed from tyrants’ control, we must be ready for sacrifice: Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi

SANAA, Jan. 03 (YPA) – Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, said on Sunday that the goal of the enemies’ conspiracies is to control the Ummah and exploit it in its human reality, its material capabilities and its geographical location.

In a televised speech aired by Al-Masirah TV channel this evening on the occasion of the martyr’s anniversary, Sayyed Abdulmalik stressed the importance of the Islamic nation’s move to counter those plots.

“To be freed from the control of tyrants, we must be fully prepared for sacrifice,” the Leader of Revolution said.

He pointed out that the enemies seek to dissolve the nation’s unity, completely dismantle it, control it, adapt it and exploit it.

“We need to consolidate the concept of martyrdom for the sake of Allah to confront the tyrants of the age; America, Israel and their agents,” he said.

Sayyed Abdulmalik pointed out that the existing battle against the Islamic Ummah is led by America and Israel, and some entities of this nation, in reference to the Saudi and Emirati regimes and others who trended to normalize relations with the Zionist entity.

In his speech, the Revolution Leader emphasized on the responsibility of society and the state towards the families of the martyrs.

He stressed the importance of commemorating the martyrs to highlight the level and magnitude of oppression, steadfastness and willpower to free from the control of tyrants.