YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist occupation has arrested 3,300+ Palestinians since start of Corona

SANAA, Dec. 17 (YPA) – The Palestinian Prisoners Club said the Israeli occupation authorities have arrested more than 3,300 Palestinian prisoners, since the outbreak of the Corona virus began last March.
The “Prisoners Club” said in a statement, on Wednesday, that the arrest campaigns included children and women, the elderly, the sick and the wounded.
The “Prisoners Club” stressed that the occupation has turned the epidemic into a tool of repression and violence against the prisoners, and despite the increasing registration of injuries among their ranks, especially last November, it continued in the systematic daily arrests, which were accompanied by violence, repression and intimidation against the detainees and their families.
The “Prisoners Club”

Attorneys’ visits to prisoners escalated, which stopped for a period with the beginning of the spread of the epidemic, and then resumed within specific restrictions, which put prisoners in double isolation, which posed a double risk to their fate, as there are still great fears of the possibility of the epidemic spreading among their ranks more widely, Especially after what the Gilboa prison witnessed last November.