YEMEN Press Agency

American occupation forces continue to steal Syrian oil

SANAA, Nov. 17 (YPA) – The American occupation forces continue to steal the Syrian wealth, as they brought out 120 tanks loaded with stolen oil towards Iraqi lands via the illegal Al-Walid crossing.
The Syrian news agency SANA quoted local sources as saying: “The American occupation forces removed a convoy of 70 tankers loaded with stolen oil through the Hamzah Bey station on the border with Iraq.

The sources pointed out that “another convoy of 50 tanks belonging to the American occupation forces left the town of Rumeilan loaded with stolen oil from the wells it occupies in Syria heading to Iraq through the illegal Al-Walid crossing.”

The American occupation forces, in collusion with the (SDF) militia, control most of the oil fields in the Syrian Jazira region, with the aim of stealing them.

Over the past months, thousands of trucks loaded with weapons and military and logistical equipment have entered the vicinity of the oil wells.