YEMEN Press Agency

Association for those affected by coalition crimes in Shabwa to be declared

SHABWA, Nov. 04 (YPA) – The preparatory committee for ‘Shabwa People Association’ announced on Wednesday its intention to declare an association for those affected by the crimes of Saudi-led coalition and its militias in Ataq city, the capital of Shabwa province.

The committee called on all those affected by the crimes and violations of the UAE-backed militias to attend the declaration ceremony that would be held in the hall of the Cultural Center in the city.

Since last October, hundreds of people from Shabwa have begun their sit-in to demand justice for a genocide crime committed by the Emirati aircraft and the UAE-backed extremist militias at the beginning of 2019 against civilians in the province.

The protesters are demanding, in front of the vicinity of Al-Alam camp, to hand over the killers of their sons, who were killed in January of last year.

In January, 2019, a military campaign launched by Abu Dhabi and its militias from Al-Alam camp against Al-Mehdhar and Al-Sada tribes in ‘Markhah’ district, which led to the killing of nine tribesmen.