YEMEN Press Agency

Seoul: Pyongyang holds huge military parade

SANAA, Oct. 10 (YPA) – South Korea said that a huge military parade was organized in its northern neighbor, on Saturday, to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Workers’ Party.
According to the agency, “Agence France Presse,” the General Staff said in a statement, “Signs indicating a military parade – which includes equipment and large numbers of people – were monitored at Kim Il-Sung Square early on Saturday morning.

He added that South Korean and US intelligence services “are watching the event closely.”

Contrary to previous offers, no foreign media was invited, and many embassies were closed due to health restrictions due to the Covid-19 epidemic, which makes the number of foreign observers limited.

On Friday, Seoul said that North Korea showed signs of readiness to unveil a new ICBM, during the military parade expected to be held on Saturday, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Workers’ Party.