YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen’s political parties reject all forms of normalization with Zionist entity

SANAA, July 16 (YPA) – The Yemeni parties and components strongly rejected on Thursday all forms of normalization with the Zionist entity.

The move came during an expanded meeting held in Sanaa under the title “The Palestinian Issue between Annexation and Normalization.”

At the meeting, the participants pointed out that the mobilizations of some Arab regimes with the Zionist entity came within the framework of the American position and the direct participation to target the Palestinian issue.

The meeting, which was attended by the heads of parties, political components, general secretaries and assistant secretaries, criminalized all steps of normalization and annexation and all efforts aimed at targeting the Palestinian people and its cause, as well as the holy places.

They reaffirmed that the Yemeni people’s stand alongside with the Palestinian people the free resistance and nation comes on the religious, moral and humanitarian principle.

The statement called on the peoples of the Islamic nation to break out of the state of no-stance and the defective silence towards the nation’s fate issues, and mobilizing to defend Palestinian cause and its holy places.