YEMEN Press Agency

General Mohsen breaks into Marib Bank, plunders 13 billion riyals

MARIB, July 16 (YPA) – About ten armed military pickups stormed the building of the Central Bank of Yemen in Marib on Wednesday evening, media sources reported

According to the media dozens of soldiers loyal to general Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar stormed the building and looted huge amount of money.

The sources indicated that five trucks escorted by the military pickups and the gunmen were loaded with at least 13 billion riyals from the  oil and gas revenues in  the branch of  central bank in Marib

Al- Ahmar’s gunmen are still arresting seven employees of the Central Bank of Yemen in Marib, one of the sources said.

The source added that the raid and looting lasted for about an hour and a half and that the gunmen and trucks left the place by 10 p.m.