YEMEN Press Agency

Libya’s GNA reacts to Egyptian President remarks

SANAA, June 22 (YPA) – Libya’s Government of National Accord (GNA) on Sunday reacted in a statement to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi’s remarks,

El-Sissi’s remarks considered as a declaration of war, the GNA said in the statement.

“The State of Libya affirms that interference in its internal affairs and infringement of the sovereignty of the state, whether through the media statements of certain countries, as happened by the Egyptian president, or the support of the coup d’état, militias and mercenaries, is unacceptable and reprehensible and constitutes an act of aggression and blatant interference and a declaration of war,” the statement read.

“We remind everyone that the Government of National Accord is the only legitimate representative of the Libyan state and alone has the right to determine the form and type of its agreements and alliances,” it  added.

the statement continued: “We will face any threat to our country, and those countries must pay attention to their problems and security threats within their territories.”

The Egyptian president announced yesterday that any direct intervention by Egypt in Libya has international legitimacy, calling on the Egyptian army to prepare for military operations outside the country.