YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli forces arrest number of Palestinians in West Bank

SANAA, June 21 (YPA) –  Zionist enemy forces on Sunday arrested several young men during raiding areas in the occupied Palestinian West Bank.

Palestinian sources said that “the occupation forces arrested the young Salim Hamdan after storming the town of Dura Al-Qara ‘, north of Ramallah.

The occupation forces also arrested three young men at the Beit El checkpoint, north of Ramallah.” Muhammad Obaid in the village of Issawiya in occupied al-Quds.

The sources pointed out that “Three young men were wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets during confrontations with the occupation in the village of Al-Mughair, north of Ramallah”, and stated that “Zionist military patrols stormed the village from the western side, where the soldiers raided a house under construction trying to prevent its owner from the construction was completed, but a group of youths confronted the soldiers and threw stones at them.

The sources pointed out that “clashes took place with the occupation forces in the western region, during which the occupation fired rubber-coated metal bullets, which led to the injury of three young men, one of whom was transferred to the hospital for treatment after being hit in the head.”