YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist forces demolish Palestinian residential building in al-Quds

SANAA,June 15 (YPA) – The mechanisms of the Zionist enemy started on Monday morning a residential building and four warehouses in the Shuafat camp, northeast of occupied al-Quds.
Palestinian sources said that the enemy forces stormed the Ras Shehadeh neighborhood in the Shuafat camp and demolished a building that includes two residential apartments, each of 160 square meters, and four commercial stores, owned by Ehab Hassan Alqam and Osama Ahmed Alqam.

Enemy forces have recently carried out extensive campaigns to demolish Palestinian homes in al-Quds and displace dozens of families from their homes in order to establish full control over them and end the Palestinian presence in them.

In a separate context, two military bulldozers entered the enemy forces on the northern border of Beit Lahiya, in the northern Gaza Strip.

The sources said that the two military bulldozers carried out bulldozers along the separation fence in the northern Gaza Strip.