YEMEN Press Agency

Trump imposes sanction on International Court for probing U.S. war crimes

SANAA, June 12 (YPA) – US President Donald Trump on Thursday signed an executive order imposing penalties for recommendations in the International Criminal Court over the background of its investigation of war crimes committed by America in Afghanistan.
The White House said in a statement that this executive order gives way to taking economic steps to punish criminal court officials involved in any efforts to investigate or to pursue US military personnel without the approval of the United States government.

The US administration pointed out that the new order also requires the extension of restrictions imposed on the granting of American visas to employees of the International Court, which is based in The Hague.

The White House stressed that this decision comes within the framework of Trump’s unwavering commitment to “protect the American military and defend national security,” noting that the United States is not a party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal System and repeatedly refused the court’s powers to investigate the behavior of the US military.

The White House accused the International Court of being subject to “the international bureaucracy that militarily threatens and targets the United States and its allies and partners,” stressing that the court’s actions “represent an attack on the rights of the American people and threaten US sovereignty.”