YEMEN Press Agency

Fierce fighting between mercenaries leaves dozens dead in Abyan

ABYAN, June 12 (YPA) – Fierce fighting has broken out between al-Islah arty forces and UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias east Zinjibar city, Abyan province in southern Yemen.

Yemen News Portal quoted sources saying that bloody confrontations erupted following a large-scale attack launched by STC militias on Hadi forces towards areas in Wadi Sala and al-Taryah.

According to the sources, the STC made limited progress before a counterattack was launched by Hadi forces in which they regained control over locations previously captured by the STC.

The infighting left dozens of dead and wounded of both sides. A tribal mediation effort led by Faisal Balaid is currently trying to stop the confrontations in order to remove the dead bodies that are scattered across the deserts east of Zinjibar city.

The local mediation committee also launched an appeal to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), asking for aid in recovering the bodies of dozens of people killed in the fighting in the province.

Faisal Belaid, chairman of the mediation committee, said that the amount dead bodies in the areas is “shocking.” He noted that the mediation committee went to the site of the battle and was surprised that the number of bodies was far higher than initially expected, showcasing just how fierce the infighting has gotten.