YEMEN Press Agency

HR Commissioner calls on Washington to stop attacks on journalists

SANAA, June 4 (YPA) – The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, on Wednesday called on the American authorities to stop the “unprecedented” attacks on journalists during mass protests across the country.
A statement to Bachelet, issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: “What happens is an unprecedented attack on journalists, in some cases, they were attacked or arrested live and the most terrible thing is that this happens in the United States, in a country where freedom of information and expression are principles Basic and central to the country’s identity. ”

The Commissioner stressed: “I call on the authorities at all levels to make my message clearly understood: Journalists should carry out their important work and should not be subjected to attacks and repression.”
According to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, there have been at least 200 incidents of attacks against journalists covering the protests in the United States.
Also on Tuesday, Reporters Without Borders said that since the wave of protests and unrest that erupted after the killing of George Floyd, an African-American in Minneapolis by the police in the United States, about 68 attacks by police and demonstrators have been recorded against the journalists.
On Tuesday, US police officers in the capital, Washington, fired rubber bullets on journalist Nicole Russell, who works for “Sputnik”, while covering the protests that erupted after the killing of American George Floyd, at the hands of the police.

According to Russell, when I mentioned that, as a journalist, the police fired a “Stinger” bomb, which caused her three painful injuries.