YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition suffers new losses in Taiz

TAIZ, May 17 (YPA) – The Saudi-led coalition forces suffered new casualties on the fronts of Taiz province at dawn, when Yemeni army forces repelled two advancing attempts by its mercenaries.

A military source confirmed the army forces and popular committees, broke early Sunday, two large advances of coalition gunmen in the Dhabab and Bir Basha areas in Taiz province, southwestern Yemen.

According to the sources, the mercenaries launched the infiltration attempts from four directions towards Jabal al-Han in the same areas.

“The attempts lasted for several hours,” he said, adding that “dozens of the mercenaries were killed or wounded during their foiled attempts, forcing them to break down without making any progress.”

Moreover, enemy groups have been ambushed by improvised explosive devices, doubling the number of dead, wounded and material losses in their ranks,” the military source added.