YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian wounded by Zionist enemy north of Tulkarm

SANAA, April 20 (YPA) – A Palestinian was injured Sunday night during confrontations with the Zionist enemy forces that erupted near the wall of annexation and racial expansion, west of Shweikeh suburb, north of Tulkarm.

The Palestine Now news agency quoted eyewitnesses as saying that the enemy soldiers fired bullets and tear gas canisters towards the youths, wounding a 19-year-old man with a live bullet in the foot, after which he was transferred to the hospital.

In another context, Palestinian Prisoner Club reported that the “Israeli” occupation forces arrested citizen Murad Mahmoud Abdel-Khaleq Abu Salah, from the town of Arabeh in the Jenin Governorate.

The club stated in a press statement that the enemy soldiers arrested Abu Salah while crossing the “Dotan” military checkpoint, located near the town of Ya`bad, southwest of Jenin, and took him to an unknown destination.