YEMEN Press Agency

10 field commanders loyal to coalition killed in Bayda fronts

BAYDA, April 7 (YPA) – At least 10 field commanders of the so-called 19th Infantry Brigade and the 173rd Birgade loyal to Saudi-led coalition were killed on fronts of Bayda province on Tuesday, military sources told Yemen Press Agency.

The Yemeni army and popular committees fought since Tuesday morning fierce battles on the fronts of Natea and Qaniya, east of Badya province, during which the coalition forces were inflicted heavy human and material losses, the sources explained.

According the sources, the army and committees repelled an infiltration attempt by the coalition forces and armed tribesmen from Murad tribes of Marib province towards the strategic Laban Mount and Ashar junction in Fadhat al-Malajem front.

Earlier in the day, the coalition forces implemented a military attack towards these areas, after the warplanes had launched a series of raids at dawn, while the artillery of the 173rd Brigade shelled Laban mountain.

The sources added that “Al-Dafiaa Hospital” in Bayhan district of Shabwa province, launched a distress call to donate blood, while the hospital refrigerators were crowded with the bodies of the coalition fighters killed on Bayda fronts.