YEMEN Press Agency

DPRK launches 2 ballistic missiles

SANAA, March 21 (YPA) – Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK) launched on Saturday two short-range ballistic missiles towards the Sea of ​​Japan.

According to the agency, “Yonhap,” the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said: The launch took place from Pyeongan Province, adding that “the army is monitoring other possible launches and remains ready.”

For its part, the Japanese Ministry of Defense said: The matter appears to be a process of launching “one or more ballistic missiles”.

Prior to Yonhap’s announcement of this launch, North Korea’s official news agency reported that the North’s Supreme People’s Assembly (parliament) was called to convene on April 10.

North Korea earlier this month carried out two similar missile launches, which Japan believed would be ballistic missiles.

Analysts say Pyongyang is gradually improving its capabilities despite sanctions and convictions.