YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli Army demolishes 2 houses of Palestinian prisoners near Ramallah

SANAA, March 5 (YPA) – Israeli occupation army on Thursday morning demolished a house and the walls of another house belonging to Palestinian prisoners, near the city of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.
According to “Palestine Now” agency, an Israeli military force raided the town of Birzeit, north of Ramallah, with a military bulldozer, and completely demolished the house of the prisoner Yazan Magames.
In Al-Tirah neighborhood, west of Ramallah, a military force raided the home of the prisoner Walid Hanache, and demolished the walls of an apartment owned by the detainee with hand tools.
Clashes erupted in Al-Tirah neighborhood and the town of Bezeit between dozens of young men and the Israeli occupation army, during which the army used live and rubber bullets and tear gas canisters.
Israel accuses Magames and Hanacho of carrying out a shooting west of Ramallah in which an Israeli settler was killed and two others wounded, last year.