SANAA, July 21 (YPA) – The official spokesman for Ansarullah Mohammed Abdulsalam ridiculed Saudi Arabia’s celebration of the arrival of 500 US troops, pointing to its reliance on US and British protection while not knowing how to get itself out of Yemen.
” A kingdom stuck in and around Yemen and don’t know how to get itself out. It celebrates the arrival of 500 U.S. soldiers to protect it, Abudlsalam said on Tweeter on Saturday.
مملكةٌ غارقة في وحول اليمن ولا تدري كيف تتخلص من ورطتها وتحتفي بقدوم 500جندي أمريكي لحمايتها وتعتمد في بقائها على الحماية الأمريكية والبريطانية.. شتان ما بينها وبين دولة مستقلة تواجه أرباب الاستكبار العالمي منفردة وبكل قوة وصلابة وحكمة.
— محمد عبدالسلام (@abdusalamsalah) July 20, 2019
“In one side, the Saudis seek protection from others and in the other side, Yemen is facing those arrogant supper powers with strength, rigidity and wisdom,” he added.
Riyadh On Friday agreed to host US forces to strengthen security and stability in the region, which includes 500 soldiers, war-planes and air defence systems to Saudi Arabia.