YEMEN Press Agency

Algeria’s ruling parties win majority of seats in parliament

SANAA, Dec. 30 (YPA) – Algeria’s ruling National Liberation Front (FLN) have won the majority of seats in the midterm elections of the National Assembly (the second chamber of parliament) and the prime minister’s party,” the National Democratic Rally (NDA)”, came in second, according to the declaration of the two parties.

The National Assembly has 144 members, two thirds of whom (96 members) are elected by indirect and secret ballot, two from each state (48) from the local council, while the other one appoints 44 members.

Half of the members of the Council (72 members) are renewed every three years (48 of the elected and 24 of the President of the Republic). The candidate for such elections is required to be elected either in a municipal council or a council and at the age of 35.