YEMEN Press Agency

Former German Chancellor: We are under American occupation

 SANAA, Nov. 18 (YPA) – Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder criticized the US policy with European countries, especially with his country, and called on German officials to seek out other allies that respect the country and its sovereignty.

 The former German chancellor’s remark came during an interview with the German channel “N-tv” on Saturday, saying that “it is unbearable; we are being treated like an occupied country.”

“I observe the US ambassador in Germany is acting as an officer of occupation forces in the country, not as an ambassador to a foreign country that respects the laws and the sovereignty of the State in which he works in,” Schröder said.

“Germany must look for new allies, in which the relationship is based on common interests and mutual respect,” he added.

“It is impossible to maintain a relationship with the US as long as it still has the recent policies and actions towards us,” he concluded.