YEMEN Press Agency

Health Minister meets Civil Status Department official

SANAA, Oct. 28 (YPA) – Minister of Health, Taha Al-Mutawakil, on Sunday discussed with the Undersecretary of the Civil Status and Civil Registry, Abdul Hamid Al-Moayyed, the coordination mechanism between the Ministry and the Department on reporting and registration of births and deaths.

In the meeting, Al-Mutawakil urged on the necessity of networking between the ministry and the department and activating this aspect in hospitals, especially with regard to knowing the required data on the cases of births and deaths.

For his part, Al-Moayyed confirmed that the department is in the process of developing a new system to expand all vital facts, including registration and restriction of births and deaths and the creation of a civil record integrated .. indicating that the Civil Status Department is the body authorized to record data on documentary and other documents.