YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen’s army bombards Saudi army’s gatherings in Jizan, Najran, kills Saudi soldier

JIZAN, Oct. 22 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Monday fired artillery on the gatherings of soldiers of the Saudi army in Najran and Jizan provinces and the snipers’ units killed a Saudi soldier in Jizan, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.

The bombardment targeted Karna center and Moshmbah military site in Jizan and the soldier was killed in Mashal area.

The army fired also artillery on other gatherings of the saudi army in Rakabat Marash and Mouthalath Asha in Najran.

The bombardment caused heavy human and material losses among the Saudi army ranks.

Meanwhile, a warplane of the US-backed Saudi-led coalition waged an airstrike on the area of Sawh in Najran.