YEMEN Press Agency

Yemeni army foils 3 infiltration attempts Saudi-backed militants in Asir

ASIR, Oct. 3 (YPA) – The Yemeni army and popular committees, on Wednesday, foiled three infiltration attempts of the Saudi-backed militants in the Saudi southern border province of Asir, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.

The militants carried out an infiltration attempt towards off Alib crossing border, Almasanie and Majaza areas, but they were repulsed by the army forces, killing and injuring dozens of them, the official confirmed.

Furthermore, the missile forces fired 4 Zilizal-1 missiles towards of the Saudi-backed militants’ gatherings at Alib crossing western part of Majaza area, killing and injuring dozens of the militants in addition to causing massive losses in their military equipment.

The official indicated that the US-backed Saudi-led coalition warplanes launched several air strikes to back its militants in their failed attempts.