YEMEN Press Agency

Bolivian President accuses Washington of backing up coups to loot State resources

SANAA, Sept. 26 (YPA) – Bolivian President Evo Morales accused the United States of supporting coups d’état in other countries to control its natural resources.

“The United States interested in upholding democracy,” Morales said. “If the situation is the opposite, it would not have financed coups and supported dictators, and threatened the democratic governments with military interventions, as they do towards Venezuela,” Morales said at the UN Security Council meeting.

Morales said Washington’s policies are driven by the United States ‘ quest to impose its geopolitical power on the world and control the natural resources of other countries.

He added that the US did not care about human rights and justice; otherwise, it should sign international conventions on the protection of human rights.

 He indicated that the US supports the use of torture,  it would not withdraw from the Human Rights Council, and would not separate children of migrants from their families and put them in cages.

