YEMEN Press Agency

Southern Movement warns UAE against attacking its leaders in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, Sept. 26 (YPA) – The so-called Council of Revolutionary movement on Wednesday condemned the shooting of leader’s  house, Mohammed Saleh Bahian, a member of the Central Council and Chairman of the Southern Movement Council in Wadi Hadramout, by gunmen on a motorcycle.

In a statement, the Council condemned the terrorist and cowardly acts, saying that this was a continuation of the terrorist approach practiced by the UAE militias in the province.

The statement pointed out that the shooting at Bahian’s house is a blatant aggression to terrorize children and women.

The statement added that this comes after the escalation of popular rejection of the UAE occupation force presence which embodied in the demonstrations and popular protests demanding it departure from all southern provinces.

The Revolutionary Movement Council warned of the continuation of brutal crimes against the people of the southern provinces, who  demanded the withdrawal of coalition forces from all provinces.


Sameera Hassn