YEMEN Press Agency

8 Coalition-leaders killed, wounded in Bayda

BAYDA, Sept. 26 (YPA) – Five of Saudi-backed leaders were killed and three injured on Wednesday in confrontations with the Yemeni army forces in Qanya front of Bayda province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.

The official reported that, Abdulsalam al-Saidi, commander of the so-called Victory Battalion of the 117th Brigade, Naji Al-Mouradi, Hatem Al-Awadi, Saleh Al-Mouradi and Ali Mohammad Al-Nuhmi Al-Mouradi, were killed in Qanya frony by the fire of the army.

Furthermore, Raed Abd Rabbo Al-Mouradi, Saleh Al-Mouradi and Hussein Al-Mouradi were also injured during the confrontation.