ADEN, Aug. (YPA) – The wholesales’ shops in Aden close their doors to retailers and customers to protest against the deterioration of the currency, a security official told Saba.
The shops in Sheikh Othman district closed their doors against the negligence of Ben Daghr’s authorities backed by the Saudi Arabia to the economic conditions and the high prices which led to economic inflation from which suffers the citizens in Aden under the occupation of the US-backed Saudi-led coalition’s forces .
Citizens in Aden told Yemen Press Agency reporter that the situation may develop to a civil rebellion against Ben Daghr’s authorities.
The traders of Aden city demanded to the Central Bank run by Ben Daghr’s authorities to stop the dangerously deterioration to the currency and the worrying high prices.
The syndicates and associations solicited the citizens to organize protests and to begin a civil rebellion, condemning the silence of negligence of Hadi’ government to the situation.
Ahmed Al-Mutawakel